

Hi! I’m Tiffany. I’m prone to using a lot of words to make things sound lovely. Because of that I have written and re-written this about a dozen times just trying to be concise. You just want to know what you are getting into, right?

Here’s what you’ll find in my little space: writings/musings/stories on my life. I have a big(ish) family; five kids and my wonderful husband. Topics include: homeschool, travel, adoption, child loss/grief, marriage and living a Christ-centered life.

We strive to live simply and love well. Thanks for joining me on this journey. I’m so glad you’re here.


Five Things You May Not Know About ME!

1. I rub my feet together when I am tired. I usually don't even realize I'm doing it.

2. My mom told me that my dad wanted to name me Sundance. I'm pretty sure they named a dog Sundance before I was born. Also, my first 2 cars were a Sundance.

3. I officially met Jeff when I was in 8th grade. I decided then that I wanted to marry him.

4. I never kill spiders or bugs in my house. I let the kids take them outside.

5. From the ages of 15-22 I worked at 6 completely different jobs (some at the same time). These included: insurance office, Steak N Shake, chiropractic office, the YMCA, teaching preschool and County Market. If I had to choose one to go back to now, I'd choose waitressing.


Yep, that's our girl!

Five on Friday