

Hi! I’m Tiffany. I’m prone to using a lot of words to make things sound lovely. Because of that I have written and re-written this about a dozen times just trying to be concise. You just want to know what you are getting into, right?

Here’s what you’ll find in my little space: writings/musings/stories on my life. I have a big(ish) family; five kids and my wonderful husband. Topics include: homeschool, travel, adoption, child loss/grief, marriage and living a Christ-centered life.

We strive to live simply and love well. Thanks for joining me on this journey. I’m so glad you’re here.



You may have seen this post on my Facebook page already, but here it is again. Because it's that heavy and important and good. Perspective. 

My husband shared this on our personal page. I love what he wrote so I'm sharing it again. We have a lot of time to worry about (big and small, important and meaningless) things, don't we?

It really just reminds me how much time I should spend praying. Instead of talking or worrying or stressing or researching. Praying.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 " Pray continually"

But really, all of 1 Thessalonians. You should probably just read the whole thing. (At least that's what I told myself). Anyway...I like words (obviously) and I'm just now getting to the whole reason I decided to post today:

I've been looking at different short videos and their impact on us as individuals, kind of, "What makes them stick?" I came across this one. I think everyone can relate. I think about this kind of stuff with what people are dealing with all over the world and we're so safe. Many conversations can arise from this, I'm sure it will drive up a lot of emotions in a lot of people. I think most of the things that people fight about in our country wouldn't even be issues if we were having to fight to stay alive like pictured here; perspective I guess.

Click here to watch the video of a beautiful little girl, with a pretty normal life. Watch as her normal life gets torn apart, as they struggle to survive. But ultimately this is what I think:

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

What do I cling to? What consumes me?

"But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you." Psalm 39:7

Where He Leads // Adoption Update and Prayer Requests

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