I love to listen to children play. It brings a smile to my heart, joy to my day. It's a reflection of their understanding of the world around them. It can be an insight to their little hearts. It can help them express feelings or give them a sense of control in this crazy life. Play is just...good.
Jeff and I were reflecting on our adoption journey and experiences leading up to where we are now. It's good to reflect. It helps me to see God's hand, His leading me every step. Despite my desire to take control, to make my own decisions and go my own way, He still works it all out for good, for His purpose.
Part of my adoption journey started when I was very little, probably not much older than Ava. I started playing adoption, going to orphanages, bringing home all the children I could find. :) I have no doubt God was growing the desire to adopt in my heart even then.
She has such a sweet heart. As she was playing pretend, she adopted 3 children from China who couldn't walk and 6 children from the Congo. She's going to be one busy momma. ;) |
More of her adopted children. Isn't Liam a good sport? |