This time my blog and my email are the same. Because I think it’s so important. And because I am really excited about working toward holy and whole marriages, joy filled marriages. If you are excited about this too, sign up for my emails for more in depth conversations and words on marriage. You can sign up here.
Finding joy in our marriages. We turn the tide and look towards Jesus. We fix our eyes on Him as we fix the broken things in us. How we do this? We stop looking to the self-help and self-care and how to change our spouses advice books. Instead we look to the One who created Love itself. To find love, to be loved and to love, we must surrender to Love. We find the answers in Him.
What is it to be a godly wife? Can I have a happy, joy-filled marriage and also have a holy one? If I am submissive, does that make me weak? If I am confident and strong, can I still be humble and kind? If the husband is the head of the house, leading our family, where does that leave me?
I'm working on something for you. Slowly, but surely and through trembling hands and lots of prayer, I want broken marriages to heal. I want mundane marriages to be amazing. I want hollow things to be made whole. I want earthly marriages to be made holy. I want you to be filled with joy and for that joy to overflow into your marriage and your kids and your life just spills it everywhere you go. But the thing is, I'm still learning this holy joy. We all are. Don't let anyone fool you, no one has arrived. I was fooled. I still am sometimes. And I let it stop me from letting God use me. But not now. Open hands, transparent heart, here I am, Lord, use me!
This has been my prayer. I encourage you to lay it all down at the foot of the cross. Your burdens aren't meant to weight you down. They are meant to be set down. Your joy-less marriage, your mundane marriage, your good but not good enough marriage. The marriage you dream of. The one you are waiting on. Just lay it all down.
Now we are on even playing fields, my friend. Let's pursue Jesus together.
How can I pray for you today? What marriage woes weigh you down?
This is a season of lent, looking forward to Easter and all that the cross and empty tomb represent to us. And because of this hope Jesus brought on the cross, paying our debt, defeating death, raising from the dead, this pursuit of joy is attainable. Because it is other-earthly. It is heavenly. Holy. God-given.
I hope this excited you, even for a minute.
In Christ,